wayne dodd


An Afternoon in Summer (1998)

                                                            Wind in the (no, not willows, kiddies) pines-
                                                             as in "lonesome," as in "pining for"-darkness

                                                             pooling around your feet (last exit
                                                             from Kosovo [Cambodia, Rwanda,

                                                             Zaire]). Down the road, the familiar sounds
                                                             of lawnmowers, chainsaws, sirens. Hey,

                                                             where's this bus taking us to, cowboy?
                                                             Straight to the emergency room, Madame

                                                             (or Sir). Just lie back on the gurney, now,
                                                             and relax. The Fixer (chaplain, surgeon, alternative

                                                             medico) will be in to see you
                                                             shortly. Don't worry your pretty little head

                                                             (etc.) about the noisy (get it?)
                                                             majority. After all, silence

                                                             is just around the corner (bend in the road, stockade
                                                             fence). Notice the sunlight, though, glinting off

                                                             each barrel, blade, and poniard. Hear
                                                             the bright sounds metal makes, beside you,

                                                             as you walk, in forests where pine needles
                                                             soften the boar's tread, and pictures of the wedding show

                                                             faces of the dead, all set about with flowers.