We Have Traveled Here by Andrena Zawinski

All along the line these villages blossom with poppies,
sheep and ponies graze backyards, cows are down for rain.

A couple poses tied up in lacy bows among the jonquil
and nasturtium for photographers on their wedding day, 

as we near the northerly reaches of Normandy, stark cabanas
locked down from a fickle fleet of summer winds moving in.

It is almost sundown, almost August. A woman pushes a broom
through our train car, in second class, in half-light. She smiles

at our French affectations as you kiss me on a train making
our way away from Paris. Along the noisy rails, leggy geraniums

stretch red and weedy at lazy sills outside the city limits, sleepy
windows shuttered from light.  At Treport de la Mer, the sky dims

inside the northern night, waves collide, the wind whips
the two of us to each other bundled by arms, intoxicated

in an unseasonable chill, exhaustion of a day spent well walking
the rocky length of coast, climbing hills to a sun bleached cliff

where Hugo once paused at Le Calvaire and Beaudelaire wrote
pour les morts, les pauvres morts, where what we have seen here 

survives enemy artillery fire across the wild lavender, Germans
perched, hungry crows cawing the Atlantic wall. Such a gray light

midsummer.  So dark the waters here where we have traveled
half the day to be, gulls raspy on a somber sweep of sky,

icy waves racing the harbor we watch from our coastal
landing, from our turret room where we sink down

into a bed fat with feathers and frills, turn off the light.
As if we have waited our lives for this, we pull in close

to each other, bloom in our extravagance of France, learn
the simplest lessons of love, our hearts memorizing them

even as we dream.  For what else then can we long?  
For now, curled into each other, we can call this home.

ANDRENA ZAWINSKI is the author of (click title) Traveling in Reflected Light, released by Pig Iron Press as a Kenneth Patchen Prize in Poetry.   She lives in the Bay Area of California. Her poetry has won awards for free verse and for poetry of social concern and has appeared in many fine publications including Santa Clara Review, Gulf Coast, Quarterly West, Paterson Literary Review, Nimrod International and others with work forthcoming in Xanadu and Rattle. She is Feature Editor at PoetryMagazine.com

Click here to read more of Andrena Zawinski's poetry.

Also: http://trfn.clpgh.org/tpq/elegies.html and http://www.trollop.com/people/az
