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Hinge & Sign
by Heather McHugh
Order Heather McHugh's new book, The Father of the
Predictaments at Amazon.com
Bob's mom was a mob bombshell, known by day
as plain Brunina, known by night as blonde.
She kept five handshells in each holsterwork of hip;
she kept a moon or two outdone. She couldn't find
her Aristotle when she needed him, but she could mount
and alight from taxicabs, or logospheres. The staying home
requires your savvy; but to roam takes savoir faire. She wasn't
there for nothing. Dresser-knob and handle-bar were
someone else's bailiwick; in the perilous night
the tricks of star and stripework went to her.
So my appearance was a lob from no
right field she knew. The crowd
kept asking: Who's this Bob?_________________________________________________________________________
was raised in Virginia and educated at Harvard University. Her books of poetry include Hinge
& Sign: Poems 1968-1993(Wesleyan University Press, 1994), which won both the Boston
Book Review's Bingham Poetry Prize and the Pollack-Harvard Review Prize, was a
Finalist for the National Book Award, and was named a "Notable Book of the Year"
by the New York Times Book Review; Shades (1988); To the Quick (1987); A
World of Difference(1981); and Dangers (1977). She is also the author of Broken
English: Poetry and Partiality (1993), and two books of translation: Because the
Sea is Black: Poems of Blaga Dimitrova (with Niko Boris, 1989) and D'après tout:
Poems by Jean Follain (1981). Her honors include two grants from the National
Endowment for the Arts and a Guggenheim Foundation fellowship. In 1999 she was elected a
Chancellor of The Academy of American Poets. Heather McHugh teaches as a core faculty
member in the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, and as Milliman
Writer-in-Residence at the University of Washington in Seattle. She is frequently
appointed as Visiting Professor at the Writers' Workshop in Iowa, and has held chairs at
University of California at Berkeley, University of Alabama, and University of Cincinnati.
Visit Heather McHugh's website at http://spondee.com/
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to read Heather McHugh's interview at Amazon.com