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Postcard from Pierson Place
We never ate breakfast
in the honeymoon gazebo
though I did manage to swim
in the pond
before you fed me
to a rage so greedy
it finally took even your life.
Returning here four years later
as someone elses wife
I breakfast in the overgrown patio
by the Cupid fountain
late afternoon ease into the pond
less clogged by weedsand colder
than I remember
dozens of tadpoles circulating under me.
Sad Flowers
after Howard Hodgkin
Because their brilliance is so redundant yet redemptive.
Because we come to them with doubts
about the beautiful almost religious.
Because the names we have given them
Indian Paintbrush, Owl Clover, Yellow Adders-tongue,
Goats Rue, Prairie-Thistle, Scarlet Monkey-flower,
Prairie Beard-tongueupstage them.
Because a memory swiped from the Bay of Naples outlasts them.
Because they heal as they die.
Because we trim their budding profusions
and love them for a day before
they droop and fade and fail us.
Because we insist we prefer their steady colors
when our heads turn at a mere squiggle
or waver or smudge or ripple or splotch.
is the author of a book of poems, Heart Work, published by The Sheep Meadow Press
in 1995, and three chapbooks: Mistakes, published by the Poetry New York Pamphlet
Series in 1999, Climbing Mount Sinai, printed letterpress at the The Center for
Book Arts by Dim Gray Bar Press in 1996, and Mind Lag, published by Turtle Watch
Press in 1982. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including: Poetry, The Iowa
Review, Boulevard, Barrow Street, The Kenyon Review, American Letters & Commentary,
The Threepenny Review, The American Voice, and Ploughshares. She has been
the recipient of a national award from the Poetry Society of America, a Fulbright
Scholarship to Italy, and several fellowships to Yaddo and The Virginia Center for the
Creative Arts. She has taught at The Cooper Union, New York University, and The New
School, and currently teaches poetry workshops at the Unterberg Poetry Center of the 92nd
Street Y.